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Oyster Card

July 12, 2015 by Andrew Marshal

While in London why not take full advantage of the Oyster travel cards and save yourselves a bundle of cash with discounted travel around London?

Gorgeous Apartments can organise your Oyster Cards in advance of your London arrival for you. We’ll have the cards ready & waiting for you on your arrival at the apartment. The oyster cards provide you with greatly discounted fares on the tubes, trains and buses leaving extra cash for fun, fun and more fun!!

London Underground Ltd (LUL) charge a minimum fee of £10.00 per card (£5.00 travel credit & £5.00 deposit). At the end of your sensational stay in London you can return the cards at any underground station. Your £5.00 deposit plus any travel credit left will be refunded to you. If you would like more information or for us to organise the cards for you please let us know. We do charge a £5.00 administration fee for this service.